Current Beach Photos

This page will hopefully allow those who cannot live year round at the beach or can't be here at this time to enjoy a series of updated photos of Higgins Beach.  For those of you in far away states and places, we use this site to share monthly pictures of the beach.  Drop us an e-mail message, and we will add you to our monthly "Higgins Beach Fix" list, which will alert you to changing pictures and other news from the beach.

Click on the links below to see the recent June photos, the January 2024 Storm Photos, the 2023 Welcome back Pot Luck, the 12/23 storm photos, the 2024 July 4th Parade, the 2024 Spurwink Fly-In and Antique Auto Show and the 2023 Harvest Happy Hour.   As the year progresses, we will continue to add event photos and other beach photos when appropriate.

Click on any of these pictures to go to the selected scenes.

Photos are provided in a reduced format for quicker loading time.  

June Photos

Beach and Family Events

January 2024 Storm Photos

March Storm Photos

2023 Harvest Happy Hour

2024 July 4th Parade

Welcome Back Pot Luck 2023

The 2024 Spurwink Fly-In and
Antique Auto Show

December 23, 2022 Storm Video

To Add Your Name To The Higgins Beach Monthly Fix List,  
          Send an e-mail to